Physical Diagnosis - The normal response to tilt test
From supine to standing, a normal patient will exhibit an increase in the heart rate by 10.9 beats per minute which stabilises after 45 - 60 seconds. The systolic blood pressure decreases only by 3.5 mmHg.It will be stabilised by 1-2 minutes. The diastolic blood pressure increase by 5.2mmHg which stabilises within 1-2 minutes.
From supine to standing, a normal patient will exhibit an increase in the heart rate by 10.9 beats per minute which stabilises after 45 - 60 seconds. The systolic blood pressure decreases only by 3.5 mmHg.It will be stabilised by 1-2 minutes. The diastolic blood pressure increase by 5.2mmHg which stabilises within 1-2 minutes.