Medicine Notes - Clinical Examination - Splenomegaly
Splenomegaly is also known as enlargement of the spleen. The common causes of enlargement of the spleen/splenomegaly are myeloproliferative disorders, lymphoproliferative disorders, portal hypertension, endocarditis, cirrhosis and systemic lupus erythematosus.
Patient with splenomegaly may complain of feeling cachexia. Pallor of the eye is common. Patient’s hand will be clubbing, palmar erythema, present with Dupuytren contracture or leuconychia. Patient may also present with spider nevi, gynecomastia or abdominal distention. There will be dullness over the spleen. The spleen is palpable over the left upper quadrant to right upper quadrant.
Is it important to differentiate between the enlargement of the spleen/splenomegaly and enlargement of the kidney. The spleen is dull on percussion, it is not bimanually ballotable, we cannot get above the large spleen and the spleen has a notch.
Splenomegaly is also known as enlargement of the spleen. The common causes of enlargement of the spleen/splenomegaly are myeloproliferative disorders, lymphoproliferative disorders, portal hypertension, endocarditis, cirrhosis and systemic lupus erythematosus.
Patient with splenomegaly may complain of feeling cachexia. Pallor of the eye is common. Patient’s hand will be clubbing, palmar erythema, present with Dupuytren contracture or leuconychia. Patient may also present with spider nevi, gynecomastia or abdominal distention. There will be dullness over the spleen. The spleen is palpable over the left upper quadrant to right upper quadrant.
Is it important to differentiate between the enlargement of the spleen/splenomegaly and enlargement of the kidney. The spleen is dull on percussion, it is not bimanually ballotable, we cannot get above the large spleen and the spleen has a notch.