Surgery Definition – What is angiodysplasia?
Surgery Definition – What is angiodysplasia?
Angiodysplasia is condition which affect the elderly and common site of occurrence is the right colon.Patient with angiodysplasia may present with anemia and massive per rectum bleeding There will be thin walled vascular channels in the submucosa. Treatment may focus on resuscitation with intravenous fluid and bed rest as well as transfusion of blood due to massive loss of blood.
Angiodysplasia is condition which affect the elderly and common site of occurrence is the right colon.Patient with angiodysplasia may present with anemia and massive per rectum bleeding There will be thin walled vascular channels in the submucosa. Treatment may focus on resuscitation with intravenous fluid and bed rest as well as transfusion of blood due to massive loss of blood.