Surgery Definition – What lines are used to sub divide the abdomen into 9 sub division?
Surgery Definition – What lines are used to sub divide the abdomen into 9 sub division?
There are 4 lines that are used to sub divide the abdomen into 9 sub division which include 2 vertical lines and 2 horizontal lines. The 2 vertical lines passes through the mid clavicular points while the 2 horizontal lines consists of superior line and inferior line. The superior line will pass through the sub costal plane which is at the tip of the 12th rib and the inferior line passes through the iliac crests.
There are 4 lines that are used to sub divide the abdomen into 9 sub division which include 2 vertical lines and 2 horizontal lines. The 2 vertical lines passes through the mid clavicular points while the 2 horizontal lines consists of superior line and inferior line. The superior line will pass through the sub costal plane which is at the tip of the 12th rib and the inferior line passes through the iliac crests.