Pathology Definition -What could cause hypoxia or anoxia?
What could cause hypoxia or anoxia?
Hypoxia and anoxia can result from the following:
Inadequate supply of oxygen (e.g., low concentration of oxygen in air at high altitude)
Obstruction of airways (e.g., strangulation and drowning)
Inadequate oxygenation of blood in the lungs (e.g., lung diseases)
Inadequate oxygen transport in blood (e.g., anemia)
Inadequate perfusion of blood in the tissues (ischemia resulting from heart failure)
Inhibition of cellular respiration—that is, blocked utilization of oxygen (e.g., cyanide
poisoning of respiratory enzymes)
Hypoxia and anoxia can result from the following:
Inadequate supply of oxygen (e.g., low concentration of oxygen in air at high altitude)
Obstruction of airways (e.g., strangulation and drowning)
Inadequate oxygenation of blood in the lungs (e.g., lung diseases)
Inadequate oxygen transport in blood (e.g., anemia)
Inadequate perfusion of blood in the tissues (ischemia resulting from heart failure)
Inhibition of cellular respiration—that is, blocked utilization of oxygen (e.g., cyanide
poisoning of respiratory enzymes)