Surgery Definition – What are the symptoms of gastro esophageal reflux disease?
Surgery Definition – What are the symptoms of gastro esophageal reflux disease?
Patient with gastro esophageal reflux disease may present with retrosternal burning sensation which raise to the chest, heartburn, dyspepsia, nocturnal cough where while asleep the acid seeps up the esophagus and causes irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa and post nasal drip due to hypersensitivity of the irritated pharyngeal mucosa. Patient may present with poor dentition due to the erosion of the tooth by the acid which rise while in supine position.
Patient with gastro esophageal reflux disease may present with retrosternal burning sensation which raise to the chest, heartburn, dyspepsia, nocturnal cough where while asleep the acid seeps up the esophagus and causes irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa and post nasal drip due to hypersensitivity of the irritated pharyngeal mucosa. Patient may present with poor dentition due to the erosion of the tooth by the acid which rise while in supine position.