Symptom Finder - Treatment of Urinary incontinence
1. Tolterodine (Detrol-LA): 2–8 mg daily.
2. Oxybutynin (Ditropan-XL): 5–15 mg daily.
3. Other drugs
4. Refer patients with stress incontinence to a gynecologist.
5. Refer patients with incontinence refractory to above medications
to an urologist for surgical treatment.
6. Be sure to rule out UTI and neurogenic bladder in persistent cases.
7. Intermittent use of a catheter or Urisheath (in men) may save a lot
of trouble for caretakers.
1. Tolterodine (Detrol-LA): 2–8 mg daily.
2. Oxybutynin (Ditropan-XL): 5–15 mg daily.
3. Other drugs
4. Refer patients with stress incontinence to a gynecologist.
5. Refer patients with incontinence refractory to above medications
to an urologist for surgical treatment.
6. Be sure to rule out UTI and neurogenic bladder in persistent cases.
7. Intermittent use of a catheter or Urisheath (in men) may save a lot
of trouble for caretakers.