Surgery Definition – How fistula is associated with diverticulitis?
Surgery Definition – How fistula is associated with diverticulitis?
Fistula occurs due to inflamed tip of the diverticulum which eroding the nearby structures such as bowel to bladder in the form of colovesical fistula or colovaginal fistula where bowel to the vagina. Patient with colovesical may present with recurrent cases of urinary tract infection and pneumaturia and colovaginal may present with feculent vaginal discharge. CT scan or fistulogram is a common investigation technique.
Fistula occurs due to inflamed tip of the diverticulum which eroding the nearby structures such as bowel to bladder in the form of colovesical fistula or colovaginal fistula where bowel to the vagina. Patient with colovesical may present with recurrent cases of urinary tract infection and pneumaturia and colovaginal may present with feculent vaginal discharge. CT scan or fistulogram is a common investigation technique.