Surgery Definition – What lies in the inguinal canal?
Surgery Definition – What lies in the inguinal canal?
In the inguinal canal, there will be spermatic cord in male and round ligament in female. The content of spermatid cord includes testicular artery from the aorta, aorta to ductus vas deferens from superior vesical artery and cremasteric artery from inferior epigastric artery, genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve, ilioinguinal nerve which lies on the cord, sympathetic nerves, pampiniform plexus or testicular venous drainage, lymphatics, ductus vas deferensd and processus vaginalis.
In the inguinal canal, there will be spermatic cord in male and round ligament in female. The content of spermatid cord includes testicular artery from the aorta, aorta to ductus vas deferens from superior vesical artery and cremasteric artery from inferior epigastric artery, genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve, ilioinguinal nerve which lies on the cord, sympathetic nerves, pampiniform plexus or testicular venous drainage, lymphatics, ductus vas deferensd and processus vaginalis.