Surgery Definition - What tests are considered to indicate difficult intubation?
The tests may include thyromental distance. Thyromental distance is measured from the prominence of the thyroid cartilage to bony point located on the chin. Thyromental distance is considered with the neck extended fully. Any distance which is less than 7 cm is a sign of difficult intubation
Mallampati Grading is condiderd as part of other tests that is considered to estimate the sizes of the tongue. The anesthetist will sit opposite the patient and asked them to open the mouth as wide as possible. The view obtained is graded. with grade 1 includes the appearance of faucial pillar, soft palate and uvula. Grade 2 includes faucial pillars, soft palate, while uvula is masked by the tongue. Grade 3 only include the visibility of the soft palate. In grade 4 soft palate is not visible.
Wilson Scores is also considered and include evaluation of weight, receding mandible, degree of movement of the neck and head, degree of movement of the jaw and buck teeth.
Mallampati Grading is condiderd as part of other tests that is considered to estimate the sizes of the tongue. The anesthetist will sit opposite the patient and asked them to open the mouth as wide as possible. The view obtained is graded. with grade 1 includes the appearance of faucial pillar, soft palate and uvula. Grade 2 includes faucial pillars, soft palate, while uvula is masked by the tongue. Grade 3 only include the visibility of the soft palate. In grade 4 soft palate is not visible.
Wilson Scores is also considered and include evaluation of weight, receding mandible, degree of movement of the neck and head, degree of movement of the jaw and buck teeth.