Pediatric Definition - Food Allergy
Food Allergy
Food allergies can be divided into IgE mediated,mixed IgE mediated and non IgE mediated reaction.
IgE mediated food allergy is characterized by immediate reaction of gastrointestinal anaphylaxis,flushing, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, wheezing and urticaria.
Mixed IgE mediated reaction may present wtih eosinophilic esophagitis, asthma and atopic dermatitis.
Non IgE mediated food allergy is characterized as food protein inducing enteropathy, enterocolitis and proctocolitis as well as contact dermatitis.
Food allergen can be identifed via prick skin testing. Gold standard for identifying food allergy may include double blinded placebo controlled food challenge.
The treatment of food allergy inlcude avoidance of food causing food allergy. Fast acting anti histamine and self inject epinephrine are considered in IgE mediated food allergy.
Food allergies can be divided into IgE mediated,mixed IgE mediated and non IgE mediated reaction.
IgE mediated food allergy is characterized by immediate reaction of gastrointestinal anaphylaxis,flushing, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, wheezing and urticaria.
Mixed IgE mediated reaction may present wtih eosinophilic esophagitis, asthma and atopic dermatitis.
Non IgE mediated food allergy is characterized as food protein inducing enteropathy, enterocolitis and proctocolitis as well as contact dermatitis.
Food allergen can be identifed via prick skin testing. Gold standard for identifying food allergy may include double blinded placebo controlled food challenge.
The treatment of food allergy inlcude avoidance of food causing food allergy. Fast acting anti histamine and self inject epinephrine are considered in IgE mediated food allergy.