Surgery Definition – What intracranial lesions are identified with closed head injury?
Surgery Definition – What intracranial lesions are identified with closed head injury?
In closed head injury, there will be no apparent laceration. The common intracranial lesions are fracture of the skull which is characterized by boggy swelling at the site due to high impact injury.
Others include fracture of basal skull, extra dural hematoma, subdural hematoma, sub arachnoid hemorrhage, coup, and contre coup as well as diffuse axonal injury.
Fracture of basal skull may present with CSF rhinorrhea, bruising of the mastoid or Battle’s sign, Panda eyes and hemotympanum or blood behind the eardrum.
Diffuse axonal injury may present with amnesia. Coup and contre coup are characterized by injury or contusion at the point of impact and rebound injury in the opposite sides. This is associated with mobility of the brain in the fluid filled cavity with rapid deceleraltion.
Extra dural hematoma may cause the raised in the intracranial pressure and deterioration of the function of the neurological function. There will be hematoma between the dural layer of the meninges and skull vault. Extra dural hematoma occurs due to damage of the middle meningeal artery which runs through the temporal of the skull. Bur hole or craniotomy or bone flap is required for surgical evacuation.
Subdural hematoma is a hematoma between the dura and arachnoid layer due to shearing of cortical vein. Subarachnoid hemorrhage and intracerebral bleed occur due to bleeding into the subarachnoid space.
In closed head injury, there will be no apparent laceration. The common intracranial lesions are fracture of the skull which is characterized by boggy swelling at the site due to high impact injury.
Others include fracture of basal skull, extra dural hematoma, subdural hematoma, sub arachnoid hemorrhage, coup, and contre coup as well as diffuse axonal injury.
Fracture of basal skull may present with CSF rhinorrhea, bruising of the mastoid or Battle’s sign, Panda eyes and hemotympanum or blood behind the eardrum.
Diffuse axonal injury may present with amnesia. Coup and contre coup are characterized by injury or contusion at the point of impact and rebound injury in the opposite sides. This is associated with mobility of the brain in the fluid filled cavity with rapid deceleraltion.
Extra dural hematoma may cause the raised in the intracranial pressure and deterioration of the function of the neurological function. There will be hematoma between the dural layer of the meninges and skull vault. Extra dural hematoma occurs due to damage of the middle meningeal artery which runs through the temporal of the skull. Bur hole or craniotomy or bone flap is required for surgical evacuation.
Subdural hematoma is a hematoma between the dura and arachnoid layer due to shearing of cortical vein. Subarachnoid hemorrhage and intracerebral bleed occur due to bleeding into the subarachnoid space.