Surgery Definition - How much water is in our lean body mass?
In the average 70 kg human, around 60% or 42 Litres constitute the total body water. The water is commonly found at the intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid compartment. Intracellular fluid constitutes 28 litres or 66% of 42 litres while extracellular fluid constitutes 14 litres or 33% which can be divided into 3 litres in the intravascular and 11 litres in the interstitium.
The extracellular fluid compartment fluctuated daily around 2500 ml/ day. The water may be loss due to urine, faeces, skin and lung( respiration). As a conclusion, 70 kg human requires 2500ml/ day of maintenance fluids to replace daily loss.
The extracellular fluid compartment fluctuated daily around 2500 ml/ day. The water may be loss due to urine, faeces, skin and lung( respiration). As a conclusion, 70 kg human requires 2500ml/ day of maintenance fluids to replace daily loss.