Differential Diagnosis fo Microcytic Anemia
Microcytic Anemia
The differential diagnosis of microcytic anemia / the causes of microcytic anemia :
-lead poisoning
-sideroblastic anemia due to myelodysplasia, isoniazid and chloramphenicol, X-linked congenital disorder and alcohol.
-anemia of chronic disease
-iron deficiency due to reduce absorption of iron( small bowel disease or gastrectomy), increase demand of iron due to pregnancy or growth, reduced intake of iron due to vegan diets, loss of blood due to hookworm infection ( ancylostroma duodenale), peptic ulcer or malignancy or hematuria and menorrhagia
The differential diagnosis of microcytic anemia / the causes of microcytic anemia :
-lead poisoning
-sideroblastic anemia due to myelodysplasia, isoniazid and chloramphenicol, X-linked congenital disorder and alcohol.
-anemia of chronic disease
-iron deficiency due to reduce absorption of iron( small bowel disease or gastrectomy), increase demand of iron due to pregnancy or growth, reduced intake of iron due to vegan diets, loss of blood due to hookworm infection ( ancylostroma duodenale), peptic ulcer or malignancy or hematuria and menorrhagia