Surgery Definition – What is the management of low fistulae in case of fistula in ano?
Surgery Definition – What is the management of low fistulae in case of fistula in ano?
Low fistula is managed with by lay it open with passing of the metal probe through the fistula and cut it down to the probe. Saucerised is considered which involves excision of the wide shallow area and removing of the granulation tissue and allow it to heal from base upward. Low fistula may include submucosal fistula, low transphincteric fistula and inter sphincteric fistula.
Low fistula is managed with by lay it open with passing of the metal probe through the fistula and cut it down to the probe. Saucerised is considered which involves excision of the wide shallow area and removing of the granulation tissue and allow it to heal from base upward. Low fistula may include submucosal fistula, low transphincteric fistula and inter sphincteric fistula.