Xtra Edu Medicine - INTRODUCTION

Medicine is an interesting subject. The purpose of this website is to provide information regarding medicine to anyone who is interested in learning medicine. The process of treating a patient usually begin with the understanding of the emergency procedure in dealing any emergency or acute cases. The next step after stabilizing the patient is to take a history and perform an examination on the patient. The finding based on the history and examination will help us to formulate the differential diagnosis of the disorders. After that, a series of investigations are perform to rule out the diagnosis. The investigation method may include full blood studies, radiology/imaging technique , pathological and microbiological studies. Finally after performing a series of tests we will came with the diagnosis. At this moment it is important to differentiate between medical and surgical causes of the disorders. Medical causes may include cardiology, respiratory medicine, endocrinology, gastroenterology, hepatology, opthalmology, neurology, rheumatology, dermatology, oncology and nephrology. The basic knowledge of pharmacology and physiology as well as biochemistry plays a major part in understanding the mechanism of the disorder in medicine section. Before performing surgery, it is important to understand the principle of anesthetic. Understanding the principle of physiology and pharmacology are important in learning anesthetic. The surgical causes may include, vascular surgery, abdominal surgery,plastic surgery, general and acute surgery, orthopedic surgery and plastic surgery. A good knowledge of anatomy is important in learning the basic concept of surgery.