Surgery Definition – What are the investigations for portal hypertension?
Surgery Definition – What are the investigations for portal hypertension?
The investigations for portal hypertension may include full blood count to identify any anemia due to chronic disorder or thrombocytopenia due to the effect of hypersplenism, liver unction test which may reveal raise in liver enzymes such as AST ALT and ALP and reduction in albumin, clotting screen, viral serology for identification for hepatitis B and C, iron indexes for hemochromatosis, measurement of ceruplasmin level to identify the present of Wilson’s disease and antinuclear, anti mitochondrial or anti smooth muscle antibodies to identify the present of primary biliary cirrhosis. Imaging techniques such as ultrasound scan is considered to assess the portal blood flow, collateral circulation due to obstruction of the portal flow and splenomegaly. CT or MRI scan is used when ultrasound scan is not reliable. Endoscopy is also performed to screen the incidence of the esophageal varices.
The investigations for portal hypertension may include full blood count to identify any anemia due to chronic disorder or thrombocytopenia due to the effect of hypersplenism, liver unction test which may reveal raise in liver enzymes such as AST ALT and ALP and reduction in albumin, clotting screen, viral serology for identification for hepatitis B and C, iron indexes for hemochromatosis, measurement of ceruplasmin level to identify the present of Wilson’s disease and antinuclear, anti mitochondrial or anti smooth muscle antibodies to identify the present of primary biliary cirrhosis. Imaging techniques such as ultrasound scan is considered to assess the portal blood flow, collateral circulation due to obstruction of the portal flow and splenomegaly. CT or MRI scan is used when ultrasound scan is not reliable. Endoscopy is also performed to screen the incidence of the esophageal varices.