Surgery Definition - What is subphrenic abscess?
Surgery Definition - What is subphrenic abscess?
Subphrenic abscess is a form of intra abdominal abscess. The common causes of subphrenic abscess may include peritonitis, leakage during intra abdominal surgery and perforated viscus. Subphrenic abscess occurs on the right sides between the diaphragm and the liver (known as true subphrenic) and below the liver or ( subhepatic). Subphrenic abscess can be further divided into left and right subphrenic abscess which is separated by falciform ligament.
The causes of subphrenic abscess may include perforation of the gallbladder, perforated peptic ulcer and perforation of the colon due to tumor. The symptoms and signs of subphrenic abscess may include swinging pyrexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and malaise. Patient may appear unwell with warm hand and tachycardic. The face is flushed and diaphoretic. There will be peritonisim and mass which is tender on palpation and palpable.
The investigation needed may include full blood count which reveals high in total white blood cell count, urea and electrolytes, group and cross match the blood, erect chest x ray to rule out any incidence of perforated viscus which is manifest by the air under the diaphragm and subphrenic abscess may present with tenting of the right hemi diaphragm and the present of air fluid level under the right hemi diaphragm. Ultrasound scan and CT scan may also be considered.
The treatment of subphrenic abscess may focus on admitted the patient, nil by mouth, establishment of the intravenous line and administration of the intravenous fluid to correct any imbalance of the electrolytes and consider broad spectrum intravenous antibiotic such as metronidazole, gentamicin and cefuroxime. If the conservative treatment fails consider surgical approach such as percutaneous drainage under the radiological guidance and laparotomy with surgical drainage.
Subphrenic abscess is a form of intra abdominal abscess. The common causes of subphrenic abscess may include peritonitis, leakage during intra abdominal surgery and perforated viscus. Subphrenic abscess occurs on the right sides between the diaphragm and the liver (known as true subphrenic) and below the liver or ( subhepatic). Subphrenic abscess can be further divided into left and right subphrenic abscess which is separated by falciform ligament.
The causes of subphrenic abscess may include perforation of the gallbladder, perforated peptic ulcer and perforation of the colon due to tumor. The symptoms and signs of subphrenic abscess may include swinging pyrexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and malaise. Patient may appear unwell with warm hand and tachycardic. The face is flushed and diaphoretic. There will be peritonisim and mass which is tender on palpation and palpable.
The investigation needed may include full blood count which reveals high in total white blood cell count, urea and electrolytes, group and cross match the blood, erect chest x ray to rule out any incidence of perforated viscus which is manifest by the air under the diaphragm and subphrenic abscess may present with tenting of the right hemi diaphragm and the present of air fluid level under the right hemi diaphragm. Ultrasound scan and CT scan may also be considered.
The treatment of subphrenic abscess may focus on admitted the patient, nil by mouth, establishment of the intravenous line and administration of the intravenous fluid to correct any imbalance of the electrolytes and consider broad spectrum intravenous antibiotic such as metronidazole, gentamicin and cefuroxime. If the conservative treatment fails consider surgical approach such as percutaneous drainage under the radiological guidance and laparotomy with surgical drainage.