Surgery Definition - What types of tubes are available?
What types of tubes are available?
The types of tubes available are chest tube, respiratory tract tubes, airway tubes, vascular system tubes such as intravenous lines and central lines, urinary tract tubes such as urinary catheter or Foley catheter and gastrointestinal system tubes such as flatus tube, nasogastric tube, gastrostomy tube, duodenostomy tube, and jejunostomy tube as well as biliary tree tubes such as cholecystostomy tube and T- tube.
The types of tubes available are chest tube, respiratory tract tubes, airway tubes, vascular system tubes such as intravenous lines and central lines, urinary tract tubes such as urinary catheter or Foley catheter and gastrointestinal system tubes such as flatus tube, nasogastric tube, gastrostomy tube, duodenostomy tube, and jejunostomy tube as well as biliary tree tubes such as cholecystostomy tube and T- tube.