Symptom Finder - Groin Mass
Groin Mass
Three masses are frequently found in the groin: a hernia (either femoral or inguinal), a saphenous varix, and enlarged inguinal lymph nodes. The
hernia and saphenous varix are usually reducible, whereas the inguinal lymph node is not. Unless there is generalized lymphadenopathy from a
systemic condition, an enlarged lymph node in the groin is associated with a lesion of the genitalia. As such, it will most invariably be tender as well.
Three masses are frequently found in the groin: a hernia (either femoral or inguinal), a saphenous varix, and enlarged inguinal lymph nodes. The
hernia and saphenous varix are usually reducible, whereas the inguinal lymph node is not. Unless there is generalized lymphadenopathy from a
systemic condition, an enlarged lymph node in the groin is associated with a lesion of the genitalia. As such, it will most invariably be tender as well.