Surgery Definition – What is the initial management / conservative treatment for small bowel obstruction?
Surgery Definition – What is the initial management / conservative treatment for small bowel obstruction?
The initial management / conservative treatment for small bowel obstruction include admission, nil by mouth, intravenous drop to correct any electrolytes disturbance and nasogastric tube to decompress the bowel which prevent aspiration. Urinary catheter, oxygen and opioids. Patient need to be monitored every 8 hourly by performing abdominal examination and vitals are taken every 2 hours.
The conservative treatment is considered to be abandoned if signs of bowel strangulation continue such as fever, tachycardia, localized tenderness and peritonism.
The initial management / conservative treatment for small bowel obstruction include admission, nil by mouth, intravenous drop to correct any electrolytes disturbance and nasogastric tube to decompress the bowel which prevent aspiration. Urinary catheter, oxygen and opioids. Patient need to be monitored every 8 hourly by performing abdominal examination and vitals are taken every 2 hours.
The conservative treatment is considered to be abandoned if signs of bowel strangulation continue such as fever, tachycardia, localized tenderness and peritonism.